Comfort Park

by Frank

Camp Comfort

Camp Comfort

Someone told me about a place called Comfort Park but I don't know how to find it. Can you help?

Thanks for the question. Here is some information.

It's about one mile south of Ojai on Creek Rd. The San Antonio Creek runs through the park. There is a small waterfall which provides a nice babbling sound to fall asleep to along with the croaking frogs.

If you'd like to know more go to the navigation bar to the left, click on Ojai Info then scroll down to Ojai Camping.

Comments for Comfort Park

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Aug 10, 2015

by: Ross

Thanks for the review.

Aug 10, 2015
My kids love the playground
by: Anonymous

We are from Ojai. Sometimes we just go there for the day. The kids love the playground and we love the horseshoe pit. Bathrooms are clean too.

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